In early December a team of the LIFE project “Land for LIFE” planted another 200 poplar trees in Natura 2000 areas “Sakar”, and "Zapadna Strandzha". With them, the total number of the trees planted so far (poplars and oak trees) since the beginning of the project becomes 1700 in a total of 30 sites with a total area of 28 decares.
In addition to the new sites, the team planted many new trees in previous sites in place of those damaged by animals.
The poplars were planted along the river valleys in order to shelter nests of Imperial eagles in the future. The main trees used for nesting by the species are poplars followed by various oak species. One of the main reasons for damaging the nesting habitats of the Imperial Eagle is the massive felling of poplars over the past 15-20 years.
Planting new trees is an important part of the conservation activities under the project to improve the breeding and foraging habitats of the species. Another last afforestation of oak trees is to come in February 2020.
Photo: Dimitar Demerdziev