Welcome on 17 September (Sunday) at the Sofia Zoo to a special event dedicated to the eagles of Bulgaria. Unique art installation of six species of real eagles will reveal to the visitors the beauty of the majestic birds.
The event is organized by the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) within the campaign “Life for the Eagles in Bulgaria”. A team of BSPB will also organizes a workshop for origami eagles and will present to the guests interesting facts about some of the most fascinating and rarely found eagles in our country – the Imperial Eagle, the Lesser Spotted Eagle, the White-tailed Eagle, the Golden Eagle, the Booted Eagle and the Short-toed eagle.
On this day, the entrance to the zoo will be free.
The art installation will be at the Sofia Zoo from 12 September to 2 October 2017.
BSPB initiates a petition for establishing “National eagles’ day” in Bulgaria. The date chosen is 27th of June. The aim is to remind for the unreplaceable role of these birds in nature through information campaigns and educational initiatives. BSPB addresses this proposition to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and the Minister of Environment and Water. You can support the petition here.
The photo competition entitled “Following the Eagle” is also part of the campaign. Anyone can photograph the eagles around us - an ornament on a building, a drawing, company emblem, statue, or other available fragment of the urban environment.
More information about the campaign can be found at www.orlite.bg.
The campaign “Life for the Eagles in Bulgaria” is organized within the projects “The Eagle’s Forests”, “Life for Safe Grid” and “Land for Life”, funded by the EU's LIFE Program and supported by the Executive Forests Agency. The campaign is organized on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the LIFE Program, the Habitats Directive and Natura 2000.