A meeting of all Bulgarian projects under the LIFE program of the European Union was held last week. The meeting was hosted by the Executive Forest Agency within the LIFE project "Preserve key forest habitats of the Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) in Bulgaria". Partner of the project is the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds.
The one-day meeting was held in Bojura near Sredets. It was attended by representatives of all the organizations and institutions in the country, implementing projects to the LIFE program of the EU, as well as representatives of the European Commission. The program included brief presentations of the projects’ progress, results and upcoming work.
The work done on projects in which BSZP is coordinating beneficiary or associated partner: "Land for Life", "Life for Save Grid", "The Return of the Neophron", "Conservation of Black and Griffon vultures in the cross-border Rhodope mountains" and “The Salt of Life" was presented during the event. Other projects that are implemented in Bulgaria - "Riparian forests" and "Free fish" of WWF, “Тhe Bright Future for Black Vulture” and "Greater chance for Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) in Bulgaria" of Green Balkans; "Life for Kresna Gorge" of Fund for Wild Flora and Fauna and "Sustainable Herbal Harvest in Bulgaria"of the Foundation Information and Nature Conservation were also presented.
Photo: WWF