The Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds will present a new guide for sustainable management of grasslands during information meetings in Sliven and Elhovo.
The guide was created within the LIFE Project "Land for Life" with the expert assistance of the State Fund Agriculture - Paying Agency.
The opportunities for application under measure 10 "Agroecology and Climate" and measure 12 "Payments under Natura 2000" from the SR 2014-2020 will be presented at the meetings with the farmers, too.
Information meetings will be held:
· In Sliven on May 4, Thursday at 10:30 in the hall of the Regional Administration - Sliven;
· In Elhovo on May 5, Friday at 10:00 in the building of the Municipal Service "Agriculture", on the 3rd floor.
The guide aims to bring together and explain the eligibility requirements set out in regulations. Grasslands have to meet these requirements to receive assistance under schemes and measures based on area in the new programming period of the CAP 2014 – 2020.
The meetings will end with questions and discussion on the presented themes.
Representatives of the Municipal Services of Agriculture in Sliven and Elhovo and experts from the Regional Directorate of Agriculture - Yambol and Sliven and the “Technical Inspectorate” to the Regional Directorate of the State Agricultural Fund are also invited to the meetings.