Over the last three weeks, the team of the LIFE project “LAND for LIFE” has installed 14 new artificial nests for Imperial Eagles in Zapadna Strandzha Special Protection Area, Adata – Tundzha Special Protection Area, Kamenski Bair Special Protection Area and in the Yambol and Karnobat fields. With them, the number of nests so far becomes a total of 30. It is planned to be installed 10 more.
The latter nest was installed on October 12th on the occasion of the World Migratory Bird Day and the international campaign “Flight for Survival”.
About 20% of the artificial nests become home to the Imperial eagles. This is one of the most effective conservation measures, as building a new nest is a difficult and energy-consuming task, especially for young pairs of Imperial Eagles who are breeding for the first time.
The installation of artificial nests is an important part of the conservation activities under the project to improve the breeding and foraging habitats of the species.