LIFE project "Land for Life" takes part in an exhibition dedicated to the birds of the Maritsa River, the majestic vulture and the Imperial eagle, organized by the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) with the support of the Municipal Foundation “Plovdiv 2019″. The exhibition officially opens today (May 9) on the occasion of Europe Day and will be on display at the Central Square until the beginning of June.
The panel dedicated to the Imperial eagle, reveals interesting facts about the species and its conservation status and the most important activities for its preservation, including protection of nests by volunteers, securing electricity poles and restoration of grassland in hunting territories.
With beautiful photographs and interesting facts BSPB presented and the Egyptian vulture, the Black vulture and the Griffon vulture. The ecological role that vultures play provides an irreplaceable service for the living world – they are nature’s health officers, the squad that keeps diseases – both human as well as animal – in check. Thus – contrary to the popular belief, – they are heralds of life, not death.
Another theme of the exhibition are birds of the Maritsa River and the island of Adata. Visitors can get acquainted with some of the most common and most iconic river species such as the Long-eared Owl, the Pygmy Cormorant, the Grey Heron, the Teal and others. Maritsa River is an important focus of Plovdiv’s programme as the European Capital of Culture 2019. The concept is to transform the areas along the river into urban oases: an attractive example of creating art from recycled and eco materials, inspiring technological innovation, sustainable design, architectural strategies, sites for alternative tourism, educational and social tools to improve the relationship between nature and the city. Adata island is included in the programme of the future European Capital of Culture; it provides an opportunity for an iconic city space to become part of the active urban life.
The event is organized by BSPB supported by the Plovdiv - European Capital of Culture 2019 and Plovdiv Municipality.