New pair of Imperial eagles found in Sakar

22 April.2016

New pair of Imperial eagles was registered in Sakar Special Protection Area during field activities of the BSPB within the LIFE project “Land for Life”. The pair is new formed and the birds are in immature plumage. They have not yet lay eggs, but this is normal with young pairs who make the first attempt at nesting. This is the second new pair of Imperial eagles this year, found by the project team.

Despite the two new couples, this year the number of the occupied territories is 28. In addition, there is another nesting territory occupied by a bird. At this moment 21 pairs of Imperial eagles already incubate. Usually Imperial Eagles incubate after the second half of March and early April, but due to the warm weather this year, a lot of pairs started incubation in the second week of March. 

This year BSPB is organizing again guarding of the most endangered Imperial Eagle nests with the help of local volunteers. This helps to reduce human disturbance during the breeding season, which has proven its effect over the years and leads to an increase in the number of successful young flew out of nests by about 30%.  Four endangered nests of Imperial Eagles will be guarded in 2016 will be guarded - three in Sakar and one in the region of Sliven.

Photo: Svetoslav Spasov

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