The Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) within the LIFE project "Land for Life” organizes information meetings with farmers in the region of Sakar. The meetings will be held:
• In the town of Svilengrad, March 31, Thursday, at 10.00 am in the Municipal Administration Svilengrad;
• In the town of Topolovgrad, March 31, Thursday, at 14.00 in the Business Center "Terzieva kashta".
The purpose of the information meetings is to present to the farmers in the region the application conditions for agri-environmental activities of Measure 10 "Agri-environment and climate". The opportunities of applying under Measure 12 "Natura 2000 and Water Framework Directive payments” of the Rural Development Programme for 2014-2020, will be presented as well.
BSPB organizes the meetings within the project “Restoration and sustainable management of Imperial Eagle’s foraging habitats in key Natura 2000 sites in Bulgaria (LIFE14 NAT/BG/001119)” under the LIFE programme of the European Union.
Photo: Svetoslav Spasov