55 farmers and foresters participated in information meetings organized by BSPB

08 May.2016

55 farmers and foresters participated in informational meetings organized by the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) in Bolyarovo, Sredets, and Haskovo. The aim of the meetings was to present the application conditions for agri-environmental activities of Measure 10 "Agri-environment and climate" of the Rural Development Programme for 2014-2020, as well as the opportunities for “On-farm processing”. 

Representatives of the regional offices to the State Fund Agriculture Yambol, Burgas, and Haskovo attended to the meetings. They were consulting the farmers about the application for the agri-environmental activities. 

There was great interest from breeders to the opportunities of Regulation 26 for direct deliveries and processing of food of animal origin on the farm. Farmers shared a number of problems they had with the previous applications of the measures and exchanged experiences with each other.

Despite the reduced opportunities for applying agri-environment support regarding the habitats of protected species in arable land, farmers expressed great interest in other agri-environmental activities of direction "Control of soil erosion", "Maintenance of grasslands of high nature value". Again, there were questions about the scope of the Natura 2000 network and the amount of payments under the relevant protected area.

BSPB organized meetings within the projects:

“Restoration and sustainable management of Imperial Eagle’s foraging habitats in key Natura 2000 sites in Bulgaria” (LIFE14 NAT/BG/001119) and the project “Preserve key forest habitats of the Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) in Bulgaria (LIFE07 NAT/BG/001218)” under the LIFE programme of the European Union.
Project "Linking Nature Protection and Sustainable Rural Development", implemented with the financial support of the Bulgarian-Swiss Cooperation Programme.

Photo: Svetoslav Spasov

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